About The Tippy TopThe Tippy Top contains a rich selection of blogs, podcasts and vlogs about entrepreneurship, business, start-ups, finance, investing, venture capital, private equity, careers, leadership, life and much more. I have been curating this content for many years from my career journey, personal entrepreneurial experiences, business school and working in finance.
I created The Tippy Top to share this knowledge so that everyone has the chance of being successful no matter where they are in the world and regardless of their personal circumstances. Please, like, subscribe and share the word so that everyone gets to their Tippy Top. The Logo Explained
The basis of the logo is a an excitable white-light-bulb that is erupting with enthusiasm and ideas. Think of enormous energy and effervescence that cannot be contained by the grey glass bulb so is set free. The black circle represents oneness of all entrepreneurs coming together.
Like the start of the idea for the Tippy Top, the text (left-to-right) starts off broken, then forms itself in an outline, before finally solidifying in final form at the Top. The logo represents a symbol of liberation and possibilities. It inspires, while bringing a sense of community and belonging. It is distinct and instantly recognisable. |
About Me
Alexander Leigh
Technology VC Investor - helping entrepreneurs succeed through mentoring, networks and money.
Most people want to make a million dollars. What successful people realise is that the way to get there is to help a million people. I grew up in South Africa, a society governed by 'Ubuntu' meaning 'Humanity' in Zulu, loosely translated as "I am because we are." Simply put, if there's a group of 10 people and 3 are not happy because they do not have food then the philosophy asks how the other 7 can possibly ever be happy because we're all in the same group. Now expand 10 to 100 to 1 million to 1 billion to 10... This is how I've always understood life. I was raised in a family of entrepreneurs who provided me with the education, confidence and inspiration to succeed. By definition, entrepreneurs make society better, create jobs, build economies and put shoes on their children's feet. My mission is to help as many entrepreneurs as possible to pay my fortune forward. |
How The Tippy Top Started
When I was a young boy I asked my elders how the world financial system, business and life really worked. They simply said that they didn't know or couldn’t explain it very well, which I thought was strange because that's something that everyone needs to know right? Anyway, I thought I would soon figure it out if I worked hard at school. After finishing school, I realised all I knew was about science, maths and geography etc. Then I hit University and for the first 2 years I learned about more maths, physics, electronics - but I still wasn't learning about things useful for everyday life. However I was comforted that this would happen very soon. Granted I was studying engineering - but everyone should know this stuff right? I mean everyone goes to work every day to earn money, work in businesses, deal with people so surely we all should know how it all works? Upon graduating, I still had no idea about finance, how business really worked or how to find/choose a proper job/career. And trust me, I asked hundreds of people for advice all the time but their answers were not usually of much help.
So, I worked for a few years, started a few entrepreneurial ventures and read numerous books. I now knew what I didn't know and was hungry to find answers. So like any good engineer, I decided to go to business school. The learning curve was exponential and I lapped up every morsel of information. Each time one of my knowledgeable Professors mentioned something useful, I wrote it down because I knew it would come in handy sometime soon. Then I started working in investing, took a few more courses and learned even more. Phew, after all that I now felt that I knew how business worked, how investing worked and didn’t, that start-ups were the new black instead of investment banking, oh and a bit about life. Mission accomplished. But hang on – this was a long process for me, not easy and I think I was pretty lucky. So how on earth would the larger population ever get access to this information? There seemed to be a big disconnect. So, I started applying the things I learned to my friend’s businesses, helping my colleagues with their personal finances, offering career advice to those who wanted it and tried to empower anyone who I thought I could help. I was humbled by the impact that this input made on their lives and this inspired me to do it more and more. Then one day then penny dropped that I could write a blog and share this information with everyone around the world. This brings us to present time, with you now reading about The Tippy Top on your screen. Thank you for helping make The Tippy Top a reality and I thoroughly look forward to our journey together! |
Disclaimer: Views expressed here are solely in my private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of organisations I might be affiliated or associated with.
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